Silkie chick... Abdomen distended


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Windsor, pa
Hello all,

I have a silkie chick that is 10 weeks old today. He/She was found yesterday with a very large abdomen. I can't drain anything from it. It's not eating or drinking. Nothing in his/ her crop. Now it can't breath right. She just sleeps. Can someone give detailed instructions on draining. Maybe I'm not doing it right. All I get is blood. Antibiotics? I have tylan and penicillin I can give. Any ideas. Does respiratory cause bloated belly?
It sounds to me like it could have heart failure, in which case there isn't anything you can do except humanely cull it. I could be wrong with my diagnosis, however, so hopefully other posters respond.

Respiratory problems do not cause bloated bodies/stomachs. There is something going on, internally, in the chick's abdomen and/or organs.

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