Hello all,
I have a silkie chick that is 10 weeks old today. He/She was found yesterday with a very large abdomen. I can't drain anything from it. It's not eating or drinking. Nothing in his/ her crop. Now it can't breath right. She just sleeps. Can someone give detailed instructions on draining. Maybe I'm not doing it right. All I get is blood. Antibiotics? I have tylan and penicillin I can give. Any ideas. Does respiratory cause bloated belly?
I have a silkie chick that is 10 weeks old today. He/She was found yesterday with a very large abdomen. I can't drain anything from it. It's not eating or drinking. Nothing in his/ her crop. Now it can't breath right. She just sleeps. Can someone give detailed instructions on draining. Maybe I'm not doing it right. All I get is blood. Antibiotics? I have tylan and penicillin I can give. Any ideas. Does respiratory cause bloated belly?