Jun 1, 2017 #1 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 My Silkie is 2 months old and I have been told it's a rooster but it doesn't even have a comb yet. So is it a rooster or hen?
My Silkie is 2 months old and I have been told it's a rooster but it doesn't even have a comb yet. So is it a rooster or hen?
Jun 1, 2017 #2 M mustang56 Songster 8 Years Jan 4, 2012 378 61 143 sits like a girl.... but you never know...
Jun 1, 2017 Thread starter #3 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 I'm hoping it's a girl. If it is thatll make me so happy.
Jun 1, 2017 #4 M mustang56 Songster 8 Years Jan 4, 2012 378 61 143 if its walks kinda like an ostrich... its probably a boy.. (long legs...) girls tend to stay lower to the ground... boys like to spar...!
if its walks kinda like an ostrich... its probably a boy.. (long legs...) girls tend to stay lower to the ground... boys like to spar...!
Jun 1, 2017 Thread starter #5 SilkieChicks99 Chirping Apr 28, 2017 61 28 66 it actually does walk lower to the ground and it doesn't ever fight like a rooster.
Jun 1, 2017 #6 M mustang56 Songster 8 Years Jan 4, 2012 378 61 143 It's a girly girl... hopefully...! =)