silkie chicks for Trade or Sale in Va

Sorry for the slow reply. I can meet at the state fair on sunday as I have to pick up a few rabbits that were endered in the fair, They are about 2 weeks old now and will post pic's soon.
Hi Julie,
It's me! I bought your black silkie roo a few weeks ago! He's doing great, and started to crow..the other morning! He is very sweet...I named him Balou for his blueish, purple colored ear lobes that I thought were his cheeks!! hehe:yiipchick

The eggs have been in the incubator for about 10 days now. I candled them and they are growing I think! Check out my website under the Adopt a Silkie page and you can see a pic of one of the eggs I candled!

I'm so excited!

Talk to you later!

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