silkie feet?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I bought some chicks a while back and 2 now have what looks like webbed feet on some of the toes and 1 has the fourth and fifth digits that look like they are broken and turned backwards. Another one has something that looks like the fourth and fifth digits on the first section of toe closest to the foot fused in a backward position, but not as bad as the one that looks like it has broken fourth and fifth digits. (they are 2-3 weeks old)

I am wondering how bad this is and if they would be able to ever breed any right toed chicks? How common is it? They came from good lines. Should I consider these chicks as pet quality?


I suppose I could take pictures of them too.

ETA: spelling errors (no spell check here)
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You WANT the fifth toe kicked back... It may look like its broken, but thats how it's supposed to be.

And the fourth and fifth toe being webbed isn't that big of a deal, and they can still be used as breeders.

For reference, even four toed birds have the ability to throw 5 toed chicks, although its best to try and stay away from using a four toed bird if possible.

Post a few pics of the feet so that we can see exactly what you are referring to. Try to take some from the underside also.
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O wow that is a big relief!!! Thanks I will take pictures tonight or tomorrow and post them. I will look you up when I get them posted if you don't see it. Thank You Poulets de Cajun

BTW I have a bantam cochin named Cajun

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