Silkie gone broody


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 12, 2010
Yes that is what I got the bantams for but I did not want her to do so yet (Ok, I will stop trying to get Mother Nature to go along with my plans.
). They are only 6 months old and we are coming into the cold. I have tried discouraging her and took the eggs away, but she keeps getting/laying more. I have decided rather than cage her alone to break the cycle, I am going to cage her with the eggs she has now (oh and maybe a couple others of my full size eggs
) and let her have them.
Now for the question that I came to ask. I am just slightly higher in elevation than Phoenix, AZ and we run about 3-4 F lower, but of course with the seasons change, our temps and weather are fluctuating. Mom is really staying tight on those egge and is probably keeping them constant temp, but should I help her out and bring the dog crate that I will be moving her into inside? How about if she gets some to hatch, should I bring them in then, if I let her stay out?
Thank you all for any thoughts.
let her hatch them. mine go broody all through out the year. last january i had two silkie sisters hatch out 10 out of 12. they all did fine. it was snowing the day after the hatch.
Now that is one ticked off hen. We'll see how strong her desire to be broodie is. She was trying to get out of the crate when I first put her in. Then she set and pulled the eggs under her. I came back a minute later and she is at the gate wanting "out!" I am ok with her deciding either way, but I can tell the poor girl is torn about what she wants to do.

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