silkie hatching eggs 24+ blcks,blues,whites,splsh, sometimes partridge


15 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Powder Springs, ga
. All my silkies are bearded, blue ear lobes, black skin 5 toes, birds are seperated by color, you will probably get white, black,blue,splash,,and sometimes partridge.I have no guarantee on the hatch rate,depends on the postal svc handling, and incubation methods, but I have good hatch rate here. I'm keeping my mother for the next two weeks, so no time for chicks this month and planning on a short vacation soon,. These eggs have been collected up through today. I've been collecting between 8-13 eggs per day sometimes I get partridge chicks from my black pen but last batch of 15 that hatched, I got one partridge, has to be some hidden gene in there.
I ship priority mail with confirmation tracking #,and bubble wrap. I accept paypal at my email address [email protected] I have just added 4 pullets to the black and white pens, so since they have not tested fertile yet, I will add extras to make up for the eggs that might be layed by them.
I ship to the lower 48 states.let me know if you want to have your post ofc to hold for pick up, and then I will need your tel # for the box Would like to mail these out on Saturday or Monday, if you prefer,. thanks for your interest.
collected eggs thru today.No more than 4 days old, unless they are the extras.







Mary I'm back again bidding on this one.... If I should win I'll check in with you regarding whether I'll try to pick up or just have shipped. I love her birds Y'all. I probably shouldn't say that but Mary and 2 others are the basis of our flocks and the babies and adults are soooo cute! Love you and your eggs Mary!. Nancy
Okay back to bidding.. I shouldn't say how much I like these, It's not helping me get them!!! Ah well.... I remain your cheerleader and fan Mary!

Okay bidders, auction's over, no need to bid any more. I really need, Okay I CRAVE some more baby silkies from Mary. I cannot hatch mine any more as they're shipping again!!!! Please please backaway from the screen. That's it,.
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Not bidding, but just saying that Mary is very helpful when you talk to her, and the eggs are packed well, none arrived broken when I bought eggs. Out of 36 eggs, 19 made it to lockdown, 7 hatched (unfortunate power outage) and all of the birds are LOVELY!

But I am really enjoying drooling
on my keyboard!

Stop drooling and start bidding Ga_in_Ga.....Love ya Nancy

Really I don't have any one to bid against me....Let's get the excitement of bidding back....Come on and bid folks before I fall asleep ......I was just kidding earlier....This is a great deal!
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