Silkie hen laying on side with leg sticking out


In the Brooder
Nov 23, 2020
Good morning. I'm looking for insight into what is going on with my 9 mo silkie.

About 5 days ago, I noticed she was walking all puffed up. I thought maybe she was about to go broody because she was waddling and had her wings out like my other broodies.

2 days later, she kept sitting in one spot in my landscaping rocks. Again, I thought she was a broody silkie and decided to try and hatch some rocks. lol

3 days later (2 days ago), I found her laying on her side in the grass. She doesn't have any injuries. It's been hot and humid here in Michigan, so I thought maybe she was a little overheated and brought her inside for the night.

Yesterday, I kept her inside and brought her best friend inside because they were both crying for each other and moping around. I bought some rooster booster vitamins and durvet from TSC and gave them to all the chickens. She seemed to perk up for several hours yesterday. By the end of the day, though, she was back to losing her balance and laying on her side.

This morning, she can barely move. She did eat and drink a little, but she's been laying on her side for the last hour and won't get up even when her bestie calls for her from the other side of the room.

Everything on Google says it is probably Marek's, and I can't remember if she is vaccinated or not.

I reached out to several vets in the area and none of them see chickens, or if they do, they aren't accepting new clients. At this point, I've realized I'm probably going to lose her ='(

My bigger question is if it is Marek's how soon will my other chickens start showing symptoms? Right now, none of them appear sick. I know about half of them are vaccinated, but I'm unsure about the other half since I got them from backyard breeders.

Also, I have chicks that on Saturday thru today. Should I purchase vaccines for them, or is it too late?

I did have a Brahma hen pass a little over a week ago, but I'm 90 % sure it was from a prolapsed vent.
Good morning! I'm so sorry your going through this. Have you checked her head neck & vent for mites?

I don't know much about Mareks but this sounds like what happened to two of my sweet hens before I realized they had mites.
Definitely more manageable.

Pick up the hen, when I check the vent I will put the chicken I my lap and put it on its back, holding its legs with one hand and looking around the vent with the other hand. Spread the feathers slowly, looking for mites, alot of times bunches will gather together on a single area. The mites I have dealt with have liked to congregate on the head. Do the same thing, place the chicken in your lap, I put it between my legs right side up to inspect the head. Spread back the feathers slowly, look around the ears and eyes for any scabs/mites. They also have congregated at the neck/back feathers. Just give the chicken a good look over.

I hope someone will comment more about mareks but for now it would be a good idea to rule out mites.

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