I'm not sure if I posted this in the right place.
I have a 7 week black Silkie Bantam, and every picture I see of everyone else's Silkies their "top hat" I guess you would call it, looks completely different then hers. She doesn't have one at all lol. She has gray feathers on her head randomly, but it looks more like she is loosing them and they have changed colors but are hanging on for dear life. Its hard to explain without posting a picture. (and I can't yet)
She is in with a barred cochin bantam pullet and cockerel who are the same age as her. It isn't like she had one and they pulled it out, she just never had one, but now has these gray feathers...
So is this a common silkie stage? or am I gonna have to live with her ugly head lol.
OH I assume its a her, but I have no clue. Its very clear with my other two, they are like night and day.
I have a 7 week black Silkie Bantam, and every picture I see of everyone else's Silkies their "top hat" I guess you would call it, looks completely different then hers. She doesn't have one at all lol. She has gray feathers on her head randomly, but it looks more like she is loosing them and they have changed colors but are hanging on for dear life. Its hard to explain without posting a picture. (and I can't yet)
She is in with a barred cochin bantam pullet and cockerel who are the same age as her. It isn't like she had one and they pulled it out, she just never had one, but now has these gray feathers...
So is this a common silkie stage? or am I gonna have to live with her ugly head lol.
OH I assume its a her, but I have no clue. Its very clear with my other two, they are like night and day.