Silkie Question


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Amarillo, Texas
I'm not sure if I posted this in the right place.

I have a 7 week black Silkie Bantam, and every picture I see of everyone else's Silkies their "top hat" I guess you would call it, looks completely different then hers. She doesn't have one at all lol. She has gray feathers on her head randomly, but it looks more like she is loosing them and they have changed colors but are hanging on for dear life. Its hard to explain without posting a picture. (and I can't yet)

She is in with a barred cochin bantam pullet and cockerel who are the same age as her. It isn't like she had one and they pulled it out, she just never had one, but now has these gray feathers...

So is this a common silkie stage? or am I gonna have to live with her ugly head lol.

OH I assume its a her, but I have no clue. Its very clear with my other two, they are like night and day.
keep posting so we can see some pics!
Thanks for the welcome.. I haven't posted much because these are my first chickens to actually have that are just mine. So I have no advise for anyone and tend to just lurk lol.
Is it against the rules to send someone the picture and have them post it? Not trying to "cheat" the system, but who ever I sent it to could I guess verify that its actually a picture of a chicken
LOL... I use photobucket to post mine and never had to wait to post a pic. Don't know if I just got missed???? but it worked.

I really want to see a picture because we have some white silkies for the first time and they are going on 3 weeks old... want to see what they look like at 7weeks
Does it look more like 'streamers'? That would be a roo. I thought the same thing about my first Silkie Harriet - what's the matter with her? ...and then she crowed and we changed her name to Harry. Yes, a picture would be helpful.

deb g
Ok I'll try to post from photobucket... I've never posted pics on here (obviously) so hang in there, I'll figure it out lol.



She was running around like a wild woman this morning, so she wasn't that easy to get a good pic of, after about 100 pics or so I finally got a couple of clear ones lol.

Edited to add:
Yeah I don't know what gender she is, I just call her a girl cause thats what comes to mind when I look at him/her. And this is my first Silkie.
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Here is another pic that might help a little.


and this guy wasn't helping at all, He was either trying to look into the camera or trying to attack my knee... or it was just a poor, akward, failing attempt to jump in my lap. Which he has never done before and he wasn't happy with me messing with the Silkie at all.... so I'm guessing its the first choice.

It looks like pin feathers...her head is just starting to feather in, so I'd give it a little time!

Oh, and if she's from a hatchery, she might not get the giant top knot that Silkie breeders produce in their lines.
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