Silkie question ???????


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 10, 2011
Northeast Wyoming
I am looking into getting a few silkie chicks to raise for my little 5 year old to show at the local county fair next year. My question is this. When they are old enough, can I put them with my other chickens, or will the others pull their feathers out? Is it better to keep them in their own pen?
I'm no expert on showing, but...
I would think if you wanted them as show birds it would be better if they had their own coop/pen.

I have two silkies that are part of a free range flock and they do fine, but I do have to give them haircuts regularly so they can see what's out there. They don't get picked on by the other birds though.
Thanks !! I'm glad to hear that your others don't pick on them. We aren't necessarily going for " SHOW " quality birds, but we don't want them plucked clean when fair rolls around. It's more learning what she can about them & taking proper care of them, than the actual showing. She would love showing it even if it was plucked bald. LOL Thanks again for the info!!!
How cute! If only the judges saw them the same way...even Gritsars Impy would win
Just my opinion, but I've never had it "work" when I'd put Silkies with the LF flock. I raise SQ Silkies, but every now & then I fall in love with one that isn't up to par, and keep it for a pet. When I've put them with the LF they always get picked up mercilessly. You definitely have to keep their beards & crests cut short so they can see the other birds coming to attack.....they can't fly away to protect themselves, they're more prone to be killed by a predator while free-ranging....and those LF roo's can really hurt them...

Silkies do very well in confinement; they like small spaces; I'd vote for a small, separate pen all their own....
How cute! If only the judges saw them the same way...even Gritsars Impy would win

The only contest Impy will ever win is the world's ugliest critter contest.

Wrangler, I have both silkies and polish now. Even though the polish are still very young, I am in LOVE with their personalities. I like my silkies alright, but the polish are the sweetest things!

Good luck to your daughter.
I HAD a trio of silkies a few years back that let free range with the big brids and yes they gt picked on and stayed at bottom of totem poll:( Now I let mine free range But in a fenced off yard away from everyone else:)
I HAD a trio of silkies a few years back that let free range with the big brids and yes they gt picked on and stayed at bottom of totem poll:( Now I let mine free range But in a fenced off yard away from everyone else:)

Glad to hear your opinions.I currently have 7 silkies in with the other bantams and was debating on whether to mix(with the LF) or not.I think I'll worry less if I have a separate area for them. I would DIE if anything happened to my MF D'Uccles! They are soooo cute!Now if I could just figure out who's a roo of those 7 silkies...
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I just re-read my post- excuse my spelling
Thats what iget for fittng in a few posts while cooking dinner and typing at work all day

PS your LF would mate your bantams and hurt them if not kill them too:(
Just goes to show that chickens are individuals.
My roo that is in that flock, Impy, apparently doesn't like silkie ladies. I've yet to get a fertile egg from either of them.

Jethro is lower on the pecking order, but having no problems protecting her chicks from the other chickens. Ellie Mae is more towards the top of the pecking order. Her latest favorite game is kickin' butt on my young cockerels. They aren't bothering her, she just doesn't like them. Also, Ellie Mae will be a year old in a few days and shows no signs of wanting to go broody. Jethro is on her second round of broodiness.

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