Silkie roo 4 mths old head tilting sideways & upside down HELP


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Memphis, TN
Hi, I have a 4 month old silkie rooster who has developed totally normally up until lately. He is holding his head side ways and this morning upside down. He is tilting it upside down. He started this 4 days ago. At first he barely held it sideways and I thought he was just looking at something. The next day a little more,,,the next a little more....and today it is almost upside down.. It seems like a neurological problem. What on earth is this and what on earth can I do????? Please help me. Julie
I have heard of neuro problems in silkies often. Did he get picked on the head by any chance? A vitamin supplement may help him recover. Not really sure what you can do becides that. Best of luck.

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