Last fall I posted about my splash ameraucanas with silkie feathers and I wanted to update everyone.
Here's the original post:
Today I had my first hatch from this pair. I used a Buff Orpington broody hen to hatch six eggs. All six hatched successfully and look to be splash colored. I can't wait to see how the feathers turn out - should be silkie feathered.
The Splash Rooster is named Ozzie and the Hen is Harriet. The Black Ameraucana hen is Ebony. She has normal feathers. I haven't hatched any eggs from her yet.
Recently I had to take Harriet out the the pen and separate her because one of the dogs got into the pen and roughed her up a bit. She is looking better and I will add her back in with Ozzie in a week or so. But I guess the fright has stopped her laying and she hasn't laid any eggs in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we will be back in business soon.
Here are some pictures:
Buffy with babies
Splash Rooster (Ozzie)
Splash Hen (Harriet)
Another picture of Ozzie & Ebony (black ameraucana)
Here's the original post:
Today I had my first hatch from this pair. I used a Buff Orpington broody hen to hatch six eggs. All six hatched successfully and look to be splash colored. I can't wait to see how the feathers turn out - should be silkie feathered.
The Splash Rooster is named Ozzie and the Hen is Harriet. The Black Ameraucana hen is Ebony. She has normal feathers. I haven't hatched any eggs from her yet.
Recently I had to take Harriet out the the pen and separate her because one of the dogs got into the pen and roughed her up a bit. She is looking better and I will add her back in with Ozzie in a week or so. But I guess the fright has stopped her laying and she hasn't laid any eggs in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we will be back in business soon.
Here are some pictures:
Buffy with babies
Splash Rooster (Ozzie)
Splash Hen (Harriet)
Another picture of Ozzie & Ebony (black ameraucana)
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