

7 Years
Sep 24, 2014
I was told these are bantam silkies, I'm assuming these will turn out to be gray silkies, would that be correct?


If they don't have 5 toes then it is definitely not a Silkie and as Timily Farmas said they have darker feet and beaks, I would say it was either a Partridge Cochin or a Partridge Brahma because of the feathered feet.
Four toes, but I read that Silkies can have just four, and it just means they can't be show birds. The beaks and feet are light.

This would be the second store I've bought from to mislabel birds and the fifth and sixth birds mislabeled. I'm getting upset.
It's not a silkie, silkies not only have 5 toes, everything on them (except their plumage) is black, including their skin, bones and meat.

This is my silkie chick
Could it be a mixed Silkie? I'm reading about other people who had chicks born with lighter feet that got darker and born with 4 toes instead of 5, and they all say it's a mutation or mixed.
So I called the store, politely asking what they might be if they aren't Silkies.

I got a manager, and she was rather upset with her employees for telling me they were Silkies, because they don't know what they are. She said they come in a box that says assorted bantams and that's all they know about them. They don't even have a list of possibilities. I'm hoping for the Cochin, I think they're prettier than Brahmas.

Thanks for the help, guys!

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