SILKIES, just when you think you have them figured out!


12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
SW Florida
I have these three sikies all of whom I was sure were roos. Well 2 of them started crowing last week proving me right. What does the third one do? I walk up to it and it squats. I thought that can't be right roos don't squat. The next day it squats again. So I put in the pen with my resident stud muffin and he tells me yep it's a hen. So even when you think you have them all figured out and the signs all point one way, silkies will fool you.
me too me to Just yesterday I caught my 5 month old roo trying to mount my 5 month of buff silkie-I was jumping for joy because I thought for sure it was another boy! yeah for hormones showing us the truth!!!
I always offer mine unsexed unless I have heard a crow or have seen an egg!!! I have been fooled alot of times myself. I started a chart that I use when they are about 8 weeks old. I make a guess and update it every month to see if I am on track or not...right now I am 50/50!!!!!

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