Silver Grey Dorking


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 22, 2014
Hello all new member so if I have put this topic in the wrong place can you please move it.

Ok I have been raising Black Copper Marans, Easter Eggers, and Tolbunt Polish. I love the BCM so I wanted to get some Birchen Marans but have had a heck of a time finding a reputable breeder. So the other night I was looking for leg bands to band my flock I have now and ran across the Silver Gray Dorkings and have fell in love with there colors. Can anyone please recommend a reputable breeder for the Silver Gray Dorking.

Thank you,
Justin Karr
7K- Ranch
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Just saw your post.
Try Dick Horstman. You can get chicks or eggs. Supposed to be great quality.
Good luck.


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