Silver Laced Polish Gender at 5m?


Aug 23, 2019
Southern Louisiana
Hi All!
I have a silver laced polish chickie that someone found in a parking lot and gave to me. I have been calling Birb a him, but he does not display any male behaviors at approximately 5 months old (he looked to be a month when I got him). He spends his days free ranging seperately from my 3 hens and 3 6m old pullets-they ostracize poor Birb but dont really bother him besides an occasional peck.
What do you think about his/her gender? Very friendly little chicken. I live in an urban area, but have worked out an agreement with the neighbors to keep him regardless of gender. Luckily, they have had chickens before!
Also, I have trimmed his feathers on his crest, mostly on the
sides by his eyes.
Thanks for any response!
Also with the Spitzhaubens the females have a different color eye and none of them have complete lacing, only a black dot at the termination of the feather. The male spitzhauben would have way less crest than that and the females crest cant forward. That is only my opinion. Have a nice day and Stephanie, enjoy your polish, I am so jealous...Thank you Frazzemrat1 for listening to my ramblings...
Thank you all for your input!! Birb definetely appeared to be a boy when she was maturing, especially as a younger chick. So I had resolved her fate until recently, and I am glad I asked! It will be a few more months more than likely, but I cant wait to see some white eggs! All of my girls are brown egg layers with the exception of two EE pullets at POL.
How lucky is that to get a chick off the street and for it to turn out a hen 😂

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