Silver laced Wyandotte hen or roo?


May 7, 2015
Details - between 4-5 weeks old, got them from Dunlap hatchery as sexed pullets. This one is totally dominant, bigger than the rest and the coloring is different than the other 3 Wyandottes I got. I'm not sure if she/he is just the queen or a roo. I'd actually be okay with a roo for protection, we live in the country and can have them.

Neck feathers are stripey where the other 3 have more dotty/rounded feathers/coloring. Also whiter head.

Last picture is one of the other Wyandottes that I'm on the fence about too. You can see what I mean about the round coloring on this bird's chest, the others have more of that coloring versus mostly black feather with one white stripe down the middle like the top bird.
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Other than crowing :) what else should I look for?

At this point they look like pullets to me as well. If they are cockerels, their combs and wattles will shortly begin to increase in size and get very red, and eventually they will begin to develop long, pointed hackle feathers.

Here's a better look at the wattles on the first bird.
Here's a picture of my SLW cockerel at 3 weeks and then at 8 to 9 weeks. Hope this helps.


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