Silver laced Wyandotte markings...will they get better?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
Hi! I'm a newbie who is raising her first round of Silver-laced Wyandottes. I have three pullets and a cockerel who are all about three months old.

My question is, do their markings improve as they age? I'm worried that I got substandard chickens from Ideal, because only one pullet is showing any real "lacing" and only on her breast. The others look splotchy and/or pencilled. Do you think they'll lace up more or am I just unlucky?

Here are a couple of pics:

I would say they are pretty typical of hatchery birds. If you look at this thread I posted some pictures of some of mine that I hatched from breeder eggs.

ETA: I would like to add there's nothing wrong with hatchery birds. They most of the time are great layers, but they usually don't meet the standards of what a breed should look like. Hactheries hatch for quantity vs. quality.
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First off, Katy, your birds are beautiful!!

I see what she means about breeder quality, however... YES, your birds will look better as they age. 3 months is not yet full grown. They still have a lot more growing to do, and their feathers will keep changing too and looking nicer
They are very lovely birds!

And your one in the last picture all the way to the right looks like she will feather out the nicecst of all, she's stunning
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who did you buy them from?? I have a 2 week old hatchery SLW pullet... I only wish she were going to be that gorgeous! She'll still be a great looking bird, but I don't think her feathers will be that crisp.
These are from Backwoods Poultry. I also have some younger ones that I hatched from someone who no longer sells hatching eggs. They look like they are probably going to be even nicer. I need to get some pictures of them.

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