Hi all! I got this chick as a sexed female from a hatchery, but I'm starting to have suspicions that she might really be a he... I've been scouring the forums but figured I'd ask more knowledgeable people!
The chicks will be 7 weeks old on Monday. This chick is one of the bolder ones. She/he is my only one of this breed, so I have no comparison (I have a GLW, Easter egger and speckled Sussex also).
Any guesses would be greatly appreciated! We will keep him/her either way, but I'm very curious.
The chicks will be 7 weeks old on Monday. This chick is one of the bolder ones. She/he is my only one of this breed, so I have no comparison (I have a GLW, Easter egger and speckled Sussex also).
Any guesses would be greatly appreciated! We will keep him/her either way, but I'm very curious.