Silver laced Wyandotte sexing


Mar 26, 2020
Lansing, NY
Hi all! I got this chick as a sexed female from a hatchery, but I'm starting to have suspicions that she might really be a he... I've been scouring the forums but figured I'd ask more knowledgeable people!

The chicks will be 7 weeks old on Monday. This chick is one of the bolder ones. She/he is my only one of this breed, so I have no comparison (I have a GLW, Easter egger and speckled Sussex also).

Any guesses would be greatly appreciated! We will keep him/her either way, but I'm very curious.

There is a lot of size and red to the comb but rose combs can be deceiving. They are not sure fire method to sex like with a single comb bird.

Looking at the thin legs and rounded hackle feathers I'll wager it's a pullet. No guarantee there as it's long in leg too. She's throwing a lot of signals for either sex but I'll guess Pullet.
We only had one SLW, which was female. Here she is at 7 weeks. Her lacing has never been great. However, much less color on comb and no wattles compared to yours. I’d lean towards male, but wait to see if male saddle feathers show up
We only had one SLW, which was female. Here she is at 7 weeks. Her lacing has never been great. However, much less color on comb and no wattles compared to yours. I’d lean towards male, but wait to see if male saddle feathers show up
View attachment 2155772
It's reassuring that yours also had less defined feather lacing though! His/her lacing is definitely less defined than my GLW chick. The SLW also has basically no tail compared to the others - has anyone found that to be typical of a Cockerel in SLW?
I'm not a 'sexpert' but I see no tail feathers in your chick, and my definite roo chick also has very short tail feathers compared to the rest of my chicks. Can I see a pic of you GLW to compare to mine? I'm trying to find out her gender too.
I'm not a 'sexpert' but I see no tail feathers in your chick, and my definite roo chick also has very short tail feathers compared to the rest of my chicks. Can I see a pic of you GLW to compare to mine? I'm trying to find out her gender too.

She's my shyest chick so I will try my best! Here's a picture of her last week (so 6 weeks old) on my head. 😛

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