Ok, so you guys identified my CM roo out of my flock. So, I've been watching him closely since. I have around 30 chickens. He is the only roo (that i can tell). He seems to be about 1/2 way down the pecking order. Some of my buff rocks boss him around. He runs from them. When I put out the feed, he waits until others have eaten. He won't come near me. I have only seen him display his "rooster stance" about two or three times. He is quite the gentleman. Is this normal? I have never had a rooster before. I thought they were supposed to come after you and be bullys to all of the others. He is approximately 17 weeks old and he is HUGE compared to all of the others. Since he is kind of a wimp, do you think he may not be fertile? Is infertility common among roosters? Thanks!