Sister-in-law for sale


10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
Lake Butler (Union County)
Is your life boring and needs a little DRAMA?! I GOT THE PERFECT Sister-in-law for you!!! No matter if you do nothing or if you do something, she will cause all the drama you can imagion!!! Your life will never be boring again!!!

*How I wish I can really REALLY auction off my sister-in-law but it's fun to just go for it here! LOL!*
ooooh, you're in Lake Butler? Someone told me theres a feed mill there that sells feed for very reasonable. Do you know about that?

Sorry I can't bid. Ive got all the drama I can possibly use.
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Will you ship to any address? I have a sister in law that I think needs a sis in law that matches her to the T and this one fits.. then the drama can stay between the two.. YEH>> I like the idea. I havent spoken to this sis in law for 5 yrs.. this I think is a nice gift for her to let her know I'm thinking about her.. LMAO>>
My SIL is wonderful!!!

But Lord only knows who the other brother will drag home one day...
I will ship her ANYWHERE! Perferably as far away as POSSIBLE!!!! LOL! This sister in law is a spoiled rotten 25 year old who would throw a fit if she doesn't get her way.

About the feed store, yeah it's right down the road from me on SR 121 and no it's not at a reasonable price. Tractor supply is cheaper and still good quality.

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