Six months and still no eggs: Silkie and d'Uccle


15 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Coastal Southern California
Is it common for Silkies and Belgian Mille Fleur d'Uccles to lay late? I know Silkies aren't big layers, but I thought I'd get at least a few eggs from her. They are almost six and a half months old and so far, nada...
Its wintertime. Chickens don't lay much in the winter anyway, so add that onto 2 non-production birds that are also very young and that equals= you will just have to keep waiting. They will lay sooner or later. They are just like people, some girls get their periods at age 11, others not til 16....
Wintertime is Wintertime. Though cold does have something to do with hens not laying, they also lay according to the amount of daylight there is. Summer = more daylight, winter = less daylight. So when you take in accordance the time of year and how old you girls are you may have to wait longer than usual in the wintertime for new ones to start to lay.
TO Bawkbawkbawk:

The 3 speckeled sussex that I had were all nutso. LOL. They were the weirdest
hens I had. I miss them dearly since they were my first chickens along with my EE's
No So Cal dose not have a winter, as far as chickens are concerned.

Those of you who are frustrated. Chicks that hatch in June and July will mature in the winter and take longer. The best hatch time in my opinion is late March early April if you want quick maturity.

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