Size Rooster?

Max size for a small bantam? Is a polish to big?
It may help we clarify your question. Are you asking if a Polish rooster would be appropriately sized to run in a flock of small bantam pullets/hens? You say "a" small bantam - do you have only one hen with which this rooster will be housed or is that being used as a size reference because that the smallest bird in the flock?
It may help we clarify your question.  Are you asking if a Polish rooster would be appropriately sized to run in a flock of small bantam pullets/hens?  You say "a" small bantam - do you have only one hen with which this rooster will be housed or is that being used as a size reference because that the smallest bird in the flock?

I have several bantam and standard fowl. A jap all the way up to a red star. I was curious at what weight of rooster is to much for a bantam? I don't want the smaller ones to be crushed by a bigger rooster. Is a standard polish to big?

Hope that clarifies it :)

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