Skittish birdds


Mar 21, 2018
Five week old Rhodes, still real skittish around me. Not trying to turn them into pets but I would like them to not be afraid of me.
I held my chickens as chicks, gave them treats, sat down outside and sat still next to them...

They didn’t stop fearing me until they were 2-3 months old. Just keep up the friendly approaches, and soon they will realize you’re not a predator.

Edit to add: Also I didn’t want mine to be pets either. They’re in the coop and 7 months old now
I have twenty chicks, the kids still trying to name them. I have one bird that is bigger than the others. She perches on a box I have in the brooding pen and watches the other birds. If they screw up she lets them know. She not rough but she will let them know.
I was hoping to get them outside a bit today. it is almost 60 but it had t rain me out,,,,,oh well maybe tomorrow
My chickens are my pets. Handled them from day one. They are about 3 weeks now. I do not handle them as often now. I am able to pick them up without issue to check them out for bugs or injuries and when I sit with them, they all fly up to the edge of the brooder box and visit me. They allow me to pet them and they just stay put.

I love that they are quiet but as soon as they hear me they start talking. They know I bring good things and lots of love along with my cleaning
I went home for lunch today, I was real quiet and caught all 4 by surprise. They were all out of the brooder having a good ole time. Two of them jumped back in the brooder as if they thought I would not notice...LOL

They didn't scatter and try to get away, I was happy with that.

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