Skunk Attacked, The Skunnk Killed, The Skunk Was Dead


9 Years
Jan 25, 2015
North Carolina
Last night a skunk got into my pen where almost all of my chickens were including a mama hen (Goldie) and her six 11 day old babies. This morning I went in looking for Goldie after I found 5 of her babies running around peeping. I went into where she and her babies sleep and there laid a dead skunk. Then I went into the main pen and found Goldie laying also dead obviously from a skunk attack. Also found a dead baby in the area where the skunk was. Now my question is what happened to the skunk. From what I've heard skunks usually kill several chickens in one night. I do have an African goose that lives with the chickens. His name is Freddie Kueguer. Is it possible he lived up to his name and killed the skunk before it could do any more damage ?
Skunks are notorious for carrying rabies. In fact, just in the last two years, we had a BYC member have to undergo rabies shots when he battled a rabid skunk that was attacking his chickens.

If that skunk had rabies, it may have simply reached the point in the disease where it killed it, and that's why you found a dead skunk. It might be a good idea to turn the skunk over to your local wildlife department so they can do a rabies test on it. Be very careful how you handle the dead skunk.
Agree! And wear gloves when you handle everything the skunk may have contacted, including those dead chickens. And your goose, when looking him over.
Your Animal Control should handle having that skunk rabies tested, which is done at the state lab. If they decline, your veterinarian can deal with it. INSIST!!!
Probably you have already been in contact with saliva from this skunk, so WASH UP and get this critter rabies tested!!!
Even a trained and skilled vet would not be able to tell if a skunk had rabies by looking at it. Have it tested. Call your local fish and game or animal control. They will take it off your hands and test it. You won't need to do anything. They will then tell you if its positive for rabies and will instruct you what else you will need to do in that case. If you have dogs or cats, you should be concerned about this.
Thanks everyone. Thanks to all of you I called a friend of mine that is a wildlife rehabilitator. She too said it sounded like it could have had rabies and to call animal control. I called them and they told me unless it had been in contact with a person or dog or cat they wouldn't test it. So I guess I'll never know for sure exactly what did happen to that skunk.

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