

May 12, 2020

I’m not sure the fresh eggs the gals give me was worth the traumatic event that happened to me last week lol. At least I can laugh about it now I guess.

We have saw a baby possum 2 weeks ago skulking around our run, assumingly to get some free chicken food or makes one chickens his food. So we purchased a live trap. In total we’ve caught 3 babies, so far. Early Thursday morning I took the dog out and noticed the trap was closed again. Assuming I had possum #4 I thought nothing of standing over the trap in the dark and shunning my flashlight in his beedy little eyes.

I was greeted with the a$$ end of a skunk and he shared with me his lovely purfume. It was awful., the clothes I was wearing were ruined, and it was 6 am. No where opened for HOURS to buy anything to help. I tried several home remedies and they did nothing.

This mixture pictured did work to take the smell out of my skin and hair but it took multiple showers. Our house is still stinky in spots and I’m still bitter at the girls for this happening to me.

I hope this made someone smile and be thankful it wasn’t you. If by chance you’ve gotten to the end of this and you have a story to share to help me feel better about my unfortunate situation please feel free to share below!

I'm so sorry!
Years ago, right before the vet clinic closed, a younger woman rushed in, with her toddler, and her cat on her shoulder in her long blond hair. "It must be poison from the neighbors!"
Well, no, it was that wonderful still wet skunk scent, and all over her car's inside too. We got her a bottle of 'Skunk Off', and got her out the door as fast as possible.
Nothing like it!

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