Ok, I am at war. As you can tell, I have a skunk problem. Night before last, I went out to barn at 6 to feed and water. All was OK. At 8, I went to tuck everyone in, and it was mass murder. 5 chickens got eaten (my blue spash cochin cockerel, 2 RC Nankin pullets, a Nankin hen and a Brassyback OEG hen
)...while I was out there, assesing the damage and wondering what did it, the skunk came back. Well, he was as bold as brass, didnt care I was there. One quick trip to the house later, he was sorry. Needless to say, he had tuneled under the barn wall, and got into my stall and pens. Well, I got everything patched up, thought I was good. Sets more traps last night, just in case. Well, another came back, got another chicken (rooster, no big loss he was a jerk) but now, I am so mad. So, I sit out and wait tonight.
HA! I got another one last night, and a feral cat (cat will get rabies shot and be released, he is a good mouser and he leaves chickies alone). I am going to keep setting traps, tuna fish works wonders.

HA! I got another one last night, and a feral cat (cat will get rabies shot and be released, he is a good mouser and he leaves chickies alone). I am going to keep setting traps, tuna fish works wonders.

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