on my 5 two-day-old SLW chicks, 3 have MUCH longer wing feathers than the other two. I read that feather-sexing is only accurate on certain crosses... so is it just coincidence that there is such a difference in my chicks? I'd love to think it means the 3 are pullets... but 2 of them are also the biggest, most active chicks in the bunch which would make me think roo. So do the long pinfeathers mean anything at all?
It was hard to hold 2 wiggle chicks and a camera at the same time, so the pic isn't that great, but here's what I'm talking about... the one on the right I would guess pullet if feather-sexing applied.
It was hard to hold 2 wiggle chicks and a camera at the same time, so the pic isn't that great, but here's what I'm talking about... the one on the right I would guess pullet if feather-sexing applied.

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