Small coop design


11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Walla Walla
I need a small coop design for about six chickens. Permanent structure. Would prefer about 2' off the ground with a way to get in and clean and collect eggs without it being too large. I don't need to enter it myself. I have a small place in town and need something that isn't too fancy. I plan to keep the chickens in this coop surrounded by a 10x10 or 10x20 run and possible free range during the day for short periods. Thanks!
I bought a book at Home Depot last year that has several small animal pens/coops/hutch designs in it with references in the back. If my feeble old mind can remember, I'll give you some references on line where to find some of the smaller designs.

Well, I'm quite proud to say I've just 'created' a chicken house that would be perfect for what you want and I'd love to give you pictures but I obviously can't download pictures as well as I can design chicken houses:lol:

I built the house 1 foot above the ground and put hardware cloth on the floor for cleanliness (I live in the desert so cold isn't an issue - adequate ventilation is). The house 4' wide x 4'high x 4'deep. I made the front 2" higher than the rear for the occasional rain. On one side I built out nest boxes than are hinged on top to enable egg collection from the outside. On the other side I put in a door so that I can access the inside if necessary. I cut a 1' square hole to enable the girls to hop outside and used the peice I cut out for a drawbridge/ramp which I attached a chain to so that I can close it at night. I hinged the bottom, of course.

The run is 4' wide x 3' high x 8'long and enclosed on 3 sides with hardware cloth. I've put a gate on the end so that I can get in if necessary and I can let the girls out to free range.

I used left over plywood, 2 x4 studs and pine furring 1x1 and 1x2 to build perches and cover exposed hardware cloth edges. It works very well but I would put a partially solid floor in if I did it again - maybe 2 feet deep in plywood and 2 feet of hardware cloth.

One other thing I did was build the run and the house separately so that I could disconect it to move it and it would be easier to fit on a pickup truck in 2 pieces. I've bonded with my chook house:ya

PM me for plans if you'd like and in the meantime I'll try to scan and download - or is it upload...?

I think I need to move someplace warm! Here I am thinking drafts, snow & ice weight on the roof, ability to remove snow from the pen, etc.

Yankee living doesn't seem so fun now even in chicken coop design.
Wow, that is a SUPER nice coop! I like how your laying boxes slide out. My problem is that I don't have any kind of saw so will have to have the place cut them where I buy them and then try to assemble it. On a limited budget. Hmmm.

Thanks to everyone for the ideas. Very helpful!

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