All chicks are between 5-7 weeks old
bird 1
boy: porcelain D'uccle I might have to keep him anyway sooo cute.
I think this polish is a pullet???
bird 3
Speckled sussex pullet?? not sure on this I have never had a sussex.
bird 4
mixed breed cochin I have no idea?? pullet I hope
bird 5
silkie roo I am thinking he WILL go if it is a roo I have never had a good silkie rooster
bird 1
boy: porcelain D'uccle I might have to keep him anyway sooo cute.
I think this polish is a pullet???
bird 3
Speckled sussex pullet?? not sure on this I have never had a sussex.
bird 4
mixed breed cochin I have no idea?? pullet I hope
bird 5
silkie roo I am thinking he WILL go if it is a roo I have never had a good silkie rooster