They arent here and wont be till April 2nd. Yet that is all I can think about right now.
I am so excited to get the brooder all set up and waiting for them. I started out with wanting 4 chicks. Then my SIL told me if I want to end up with 4 hens, then I better get 6 just in case I get an ooopps roo in there. Well after much thought I thought well I guess if I got 6 and they were all hens, it wouldnt be bad. So I thought well heck what would be 1 more so now I am getting 7 chicks. I wish I could get more, as I seem to be falling in love with every breed I read about.
I have 1 Buff Orpi, 1 New Hamp, 1 Black Austra, 2 EE & 2 Barred Rocks waiting for me. This chicken math you all have been talking about is SCARY!!!!