So, have you ever had a chicken to NOT mature and never lay?


9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
Yorktown, Virginia
I am just curious because my 29 week old pullet is just that. No signs of maturing, tiny pale comb, no wattles, no squat, nada and her three fellow hens give me eggs daily, for weeks. Ho-hum....
I had a buff that never seemed to mature...never laid...then up and died. Don't know if the other chickens "knew" she was different or something, no outward marks, but almost appeared to slowly starve...very sad as she was sweet.
i have a 12-18 mo old easter egger (silvery-white all over) who has never laid more than a couple eggs. i know she laid at least twice as i had ten hens and ten eggs two days. (unless, of course, i missed an egg or one was laid at night, or another hen laid two in one day, etc. so that two of the ten eggs were from the same hen--all of which has happened). so she may never have laid. bottom line is i have NEVER seen her in a nest box, which is really, really odd.

she is about to make up for it by transforming magically into chicken and dumplings.
Honestly I have an Easter Egger who gives me 1 egg every 2 months, and an Ameraucana who's given me 4 eggs in her 2 months of laying age now and I never think once of turning them into food. I didn't get chickens to get eggs. . . that's what buying someone else's eggs are for.
She is a Black Sex Link and I have no intention of culling her, just curious. Her physical appearance, other than weight gain, has not changed for months.
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