SO proud... my boy just crowed!


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Nov 3, 2020
The Emerald Isle
My Coop
My Coop
Today my pet cockerel Hektor leapt onto the gatepost, opened his mouth.... and crowed!

Hektor watched all his family be killed by a fox, and didn't crow since.
But I knew he would get over it.... happy 5 month birthday, Hektor!

It's as exciting as a first egg!

Hektor's a good boy and doesn't fight with his brother Achilles. I love them both!
P1020610.JPG P1020822.JPG
Very handsome boy.
Where did you get him from?
I haven't been able to find any interesting breeds around here.

Got him from a local breeder unsexed at 6 days old. He has 1 brother, and used to have a sister and stepsister too.

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