So what do your rooster's crows sound like?


Oct 9, 2017
Just curious about the other roos out there. Are there regional differences? Do roosters sound the same in the same geographical location or era, because they copy the other crows they have heard?

When I was growing up in the Washington DC area, it seemed that every rooster sounded like: "Crock-a-DOO-doooo." Four syllables. (I never heard one that sounded like "cock-a-doodle-doo.")

I didn't have chickens for many years. Now I'm back & my head rooster sounds like: "Cock-a-do-a-loooo." Five syllables. It's the closest to the traditional five syllable "cock-a-doodle-doo" that I've ever heard. However, the tune resembles the alien song from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

(I can't count my little skinny bantam, because he has a screechy, female-like shriek that sounds like: "Ya-ha-hoooo." Poor thing. He tries to keep up with the big boy but he just can't manage it. Maybe I should rename him "Yahoo!")
I currently have about 15 roosters, and I've had many more. Everyone sounds differently and I can tell them apart by their crows. Some I've added words to in my head when I hear them. The closest to cock-a-doodle-doo is one says what cha gonna do, so probably the the same.
Different ages, different breeds, weather, confined or free range, rooster's voices are not alike at all. Individual cockerels, cocks, voices may change somewhat as they get older and other changes in their environment. Sorry, if you have neighbors that do not like it. (I don't like their dog's barking, either!) But to me it is"song". different tunes by different cocks, and they all my have several verses or melodies! I know where the are, (and hens let you know when they plan to and then lay their egg). I love song birds, and my bantams are just another breed of "bird"...............
My mother always used to laugh at the bantams... strut to a halt, stretch up on tiptoe, throw back their heads--and let out a mighty squeak! (CHEE CHA CHEE CHEE!)

The silkies have a more sonorous and, honestly, stupid-sounding crow. One sounded like he was burbling something. First time I heard him I caught him to check that nothing was wrong.

Nobody else's crows have ever struck me as particularly remarkable--except when they're starting out.

I did like how my RIRs used to crow before we butchered the rooster flock.
On my 3rd cock/erel...he's a full 5 syllabler, the classic Cock-a-doo-dle-DOO.
The others were 3, Cock-a-doo.
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My little Cochin cockerel, Carl has a very musical crow. I go out w camera to tape it, and he shuts up, so I've attempted notation;

It's kind of a sad little song, the hens all think he's useless and they chase him away.
carlitos (3 of 1).jpg


  • carl's crow.png
    carl's crow.png
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All good! Go figure, after I posted this, my roos started changing up their tunes a little bit. I can still tell them apart by sound because the skinny one is still screechy. I've also noticed there are some days they just won't stop crowing all day, and other days they only crow at dawn.

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