........so what IS the most SAUGHT AFTER/RARE breed of chicken in USA?


11 Years
Sep 24, 2008
To bounch off the chicken wish list..........what is the ONE that is rare/endangered/hard to find?
actually you described Araucana, which you need to get from a breeder, very difficult breed(lot of work to get them to fit the standard), but great fun

If you just want to know rare etc you can check this page out, it tells you how common etc.


as far as most sought after, black copper marans are pretty high on the list....
I don't know about the most saught after breed, but if things work out like I am hoping, then I will be receiving a pair of Silver Grey Dorkings in the very near future. I am so excited. I have been reading up on the breed, so that I will be ready for when they arrive.
Many of the hatcheries raise the "rare" breeds. but they pay no attention to the quality of the bird, just the quantity.
So many of the rare breeds are still very rare in superb, preserved heritage or exhibition quality.

That being said, Anconas are pretty rare, I would say the Appenzeller's are rare birds, Dutch bantams in good form are hard to get, I could go on with breeds. The chicken chart is a good source for info.
Real araucanas are pretty hard to find. omg green jungle fowls (not a fun chicken to raise, Id imagine).... large fowl silkies in the US (now there would be something with a market), black fleshed sumatras in the US, OMG Ayan Cemani look that one up on feathersite- thats got to be one of the rarest. Yeah, Im going with cemani.

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