So, what rooster did my neighbor have last year?


10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
Western North Carolina
My neighbor on the other side of the woods had a rooster last year. My Old English Game Bantam hen got under the fence and went to visit him then laid an egg that we put under a broody, once she came back. I think Igor's papa was a standard Barred Rock. What do you think?

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Because they are on the other side of the woods and keep to themselves, we don't see those neighbors that often. I don't hear their rooster anymore, so I really don't want to ask.
Thank you! We are really happy with him. We had all bantams last year before he was hatched and only got standard hens later, so he became the father of this year's big chicks.

His genetic mother was a little all black hen we bought paired with a BB Red rooster. His boys seem to come out looking like large BBReds (but that might come from our Easter Egger or maybe our BBRed somehow managed?) or barred like him with the yellow coloring just now coming in. His girls are black like our Easter Egger without the red she has around her face.
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