So you think you can sex Muscovy?

It's the hissing noise! Daisy even does the little waggle dance the boys do...

On the plus side I had vent sexed them all as males when they were just a few weeks old, and since it was my first time I was quite convinced I was totally wrong! Guess not.
That is a possibility! We bought them at auction, we assumed they were the same hatch because they call came together, but the big boys could definitely be a little bit older.
Sorry but my female does the waggle too.

Hey, 3:2 isn't that bad. I have 1:4. Trying to talk DH into assisting with Thanksgiving duck.
I will be VERY happy is I'm wrong. I like Daisy!
But if she is a he, he needs to be culled.

I am hoping she's just very confused, but based on all the splashing going on in the livestock tank, and the positioning... I don't think I'm wrong

We're Canadian so Thanksgiving was last month
Maybe because she grew up with two big brothers she's just a real tom-boy?

I really hope so, but now "she's" chasing around the other duck...

Our big rooster lenny (whom we just got rid of for being too aggressive) was completely devoid of secondary characteristics when we bought him, then he grew into it & turned into quite the Roo! It happens sometimes, birds are weird!!

The really good thing is that the ducks live with the chickens and I was starting to worry because with the lighting schedule for the chickens they SHOULD be laying. Looks like they're going to start soon!

If Daisy starts popping out eggs we'll know for sure

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