Social Engineering Bill, has anybody heard of this?


13 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Telford, TN
Surely this can't happen! I can't imagine being forced to give up my chickens and garden.

A social engineering bill to restrict residence in the suburbs and rural areas and force Americans into city centers has passed the United States Senate Banking Committee and is on the fast track to passage in the Senate.

Click here to read the rest of the article

The Bill Summary is found in this link.​
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This is crazy scary! What can we do to fight this? Writing to your representatives doesn't seem to to any good, they just pass what ever they want. We need to stop this kind of crap before they pass it under our own noises. I haven't seen this before. I like my land I do not want to live in the city, let a lone one that is like this!Please tell me it is a joke!
So maybe I'm just reading the summary wrong, but this bill doesn't sound as sinister as the nutty blogger is trying to make it sound.

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