Sold to me as baby chicks

Aug 7, 2019
Oahu, Hawaii
They are 20 weeks old. I got a blue egg yesterday n today and its from one of these two (process of elimination). When I bought these 2 as baby chicks I was told the brown one is an Ameraucana and the white one is a Whiting True Blue. Is this correct?
Ameraucanas come in recognized colors (blue, lavender, wheaten, etc) and this chicken isn't one of them. Ameraucanas also have both muffs and beards, and this one has neither. Easter egger.
Right, sorry I've only ever had Ameraucanas and have no clue what easter eggers are honestly
They are 20 weeks old. I got a blue egg yesterday n today and its from one of these two (process of elimination). When I bought these 2 as baby chicks I was told the brown one is an Ameraucana and the white one is a Whiting True Blue. Is this correct? View attachment 2421740View attachment 2421741
The top one is most likely an EE, I have quite a few of those, and the white could be either Americauna or Aracouna, I only have EE's and Americaunas.
Right, sorry I've only ever had Ameraucanas and have no clue what easter eggers are honestly
Easter eggers are mutts that usually have pea combs, pointy hackle feathers, and lighter bodies. They can lay blue, green, brown, or pink. They sometimes have muffs and or beards. Ameraucanas come in recognized colors and have a breed standard, they always have muffs and beards. They lay blue. If you recognized the top one as an ameraucana, your 'ameraucanas' may be EEs.

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