Somewhat lethargic chic with a funky neck twitch


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
South Carolina
This morning I noticed my 7 week old chick is not doing well. Not following his flock, just standing around. He is not hunched up like with cocci.

His feathers look like he's soaking wet. He keeps doing a weird twisty twitchy thing with his head/neck.

What could this be & how do I treat it?
On what part of his body do his feathers look wet? Is his neck twisted to the side, downward, or upward as in wry neck? How does his crop feel? Is he drooling or having any liquid come out of his crop?
The feathers all along the back look like he went through a spin cycle. They don't feel wet or dirty. Maybe he did just get wet.

His crop feels fine. Vent looks fine. This afternoon he wasn't doing the neck thing, but still not as energetic.

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