Soon to be Illinois


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2022
I am looking for info on areas within driving distance of Bloomington Illinois. I am basing my move to accommodate my chicken my kids each have a chicken and I'm not willing do move without them. We are looking at the Bloomington area and are hoping some locals can give us some suggestions of areas that are chicken friendly I've googled it and cant find specifics other than news articles commenting on changing but no actual law quoting. Seems to read as if its a hit or miss. I really dont want to end up in a town that will want me to get rid of our chickens. Anyone near or in Bloomington that have chickens?
Hi! Come on over to the Illinois thread (posted above). I'm a bit farther north (although my company is headquartered in Bloomington!) but we have a pretty decent number of members there from areas closer to Bloomington. It's a nice place to live!

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