Sort of emergency eye doctor visit


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
I am terribly myopic - my RX is around -10. A doctor once told me that if I ever saw stars, fireworks, or other irregular apparititions, get my patooty to a doc ASAP because I'm at risk of retinal detachment. Well, 2 days ago I started getting a funny spot in my left eye that looked like a small, shimmering oval.

So, off to the doc with me. To make a long story short, my eyes are healthy. I've got a think spot in the fluid of my left eye that the doc wants to monitor but that's it.

In the meantime, however, I'm suffering the effects of the super duper dialation I got. They used what the nursing assistant called "the strong one". I am sitting in my living room with those sexy werid "sunglasses" the doc gives you. Everything is sooo blurry plus it's double. I can't see very well at all.

But the good news is that my eyes are fine! Whew!!

So, for those of you who ever start seeing stars, spots, fireworks, curtains, line distortions, or flashes of light, take care of your eyes! Retinal detachment is considered a medical emergency!!
Ugh. I feel your pain. I was dilated the other day too. It worked about twice as fast as they thought it would on me, so I was out in the waiting room with my face in my hands trying to block out the light by the time they called me back in. I don't know if she used the "strong one" on me or not, but I literally had no iris, LOL. I was wearing a pair of sunglasses over the freaky things that they give you and I still had to stay inside for several hours before my eyes normalized.
I hate hate hate that!
yeah, it is a major big deal! i use to work as a opthamology tech before i became a stay at home mom.

you are more suseptable to Retinal Detachments with a rx around -8 or higher.

glad you are okay! i have to worry about glaucoma with my family history.

My 5 year old has a 10% chance of going blind (yay auto-immune disorders) so we go to the eye doctor every 3 months for check ups.

Periodically they dilate to get an extra good look into the back of her eye.

She loves it and spends the next several days in sunglasses particularly on the playground at school. "The doctor said I should wear them!" I think she thrives on the attention
sunglasses help prevent cataracts. my sister is 48 and she already has a cataract because she never wears sunglasses! maybe that is why your Dr. suggested the sunglasses

Daily use of sunglasses is to block out UVA and UVB rays. Think of it as sunblock for your eyes!

Right n ow for my, though, it's all about light sensitivity. Where I'm sitting in my house I can see 7 windows. Even though it's cloudy outside, it's too bright for me.

Is it too early to go have a glass of wine? lol Not like I can drink anywhere.
It's never too early for a glass of wine. Hmm. What a good idea. I'll join you in that!

Hope your eyes return to normal soon! In the meantime, it's a good excuse for a glass of wine.
Before I had LASIK surgery my vision was -9 in one eye and -8.5 in the other. Now I see 20/45, which is pretty darned good for someone as blind as I was. It took me a long time to find a doctor confident enough to do the surgery. Best decision I ever made.
I'm not a candidate for the surgery & have been evaluated several times. Someday I'll get the implantable contact lenses, but until then it's glasses & hard contacts for me.

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