Southern California Dewlap Toulouse Geese Anyone?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 13, 2011
Thinking about purchasing a pair of dewlap toulouse show quality goslings from Holderread Waterfowl in Oregon.
Only thing is their min order is 4 goslings and i only want one pair, so if anyone in the southern cal. area interested in a pair only also, let me know we can
group order. We have other geese such as the chinese, africans and my favorite Sebastopols and would love to add some dewlap toulouse into our family farm.
Do you still have Toulouse eggs? I would love to get some!!
I'm from Saudi Arabia , and I'm looking for Dewlap Toulouse geese ( grey & buff ) If I can get eggs in the season 15 from each color and how much cost
I can give you my brother USA address for delivery
you can contact me by email [email protected]


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