Southern New Mexico

Clovis is about 250 miles from us. So far I only have 4 ducks but as our class hatches chickens I'll have more. We have hopes of hatching several different kinds of birds, chicks, ducks, turkeys, geese, game, we'll see. I'm trying to use this not only as Science but humanities since so many of the kids here have been raised around cock fighting. They have no idea that these birds have feelings, and they deserve to have a chance at life not be used as entertainment!
250 miles - DH would say that's a " nice afternoon drive " LOL

I wish you lots of luck on hatching some babies and I hope the kids get the message about the birds having feelings. When I first moved into the place we are at now I had a rather large rooster - who got kinda mean - my neighbor wanted him - I asked why- he said the roo would make a good fighter ( he is still keeping roosters for this reason in hopes cock fighting is legal again) this is the same neighbor who breeds his pittbulls ALL the time. I ended up giving my roo to a family that could handle an aggressive boy and tame him.
I wish I had some eggs to send you but right now my girls are not laying and I dont really think I will get baby's since my only roo is bantam LOL

We had quite a raid out here on Saturday, confiscated over 15000 dollars but also euthanized close to 100 chickens. The students I've had in the past have told me they see fighting in a totally different light now because they've been brought up being told it's natural for these roosters to fight each other and they are just doing what comes naturaly. When I get a student who starts saying that and defending it I ask them if these roosters hatch with metal knives on their legs,,, I know a lot of parents get rather upset with me so I have to be careful how I go about it, but education should help change the views on it. At least I hope it will.

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