Space For Chickens To Jump To Roost


12 Years
Feb 4, 2010
chicago sw suburbs
I have 46"x29" inside floor dimension and my roost is 24" high. The roost runs the 29" dimension and is 12" off the wall.
This leaves 34" space for them to get up there. Can they jump this high? Or do they need to fly up there.
Is this enough room for them to open there wings. Please help . Almost done with my coop.
I am having this same problem right now with the coup I am building! I hope someone comes along soon to help you...and me
I would think that 2 ft. off the ground is doable with almost 3 ft. of floor clearance....that's actually a fairly low roost. But you can always add a chicken ladder if you're concerned about it. Keep in mine that your roost really should be higher than your nest box...

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