Speckled Sussex Hen or Roo?


Feb 17, 2019
I'm pretty sure shes a hen but her behavior the past week has really got me questioning myself. I have two speckles in with a little roo and have not had any problems at all until I was given a barred rock roo about a week ago. I have two coops and let each out during the day but not all together because my speckles get picked on so much but now I have feathers all over my "small coop" and lots of fighting especially the one I'm second guessing myself about. She fights with Bleu (the roo) and the other speckle that was raised from a chick with her.


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Thank yall so much!! I was fairly certain she was a hen but wanted to rule out the possiblity of her being a roo with the behavior problems I'm having lately. I raised them last spring and they were always the low girls on the totem pole which is why they have their own coop. They have been extremely sweet and easy to handle but seems like overnight they are completely different birds.

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