Speckled Sussex pullet or cock??


8 Years
Sep 12, 2011
Stafford Springs
I got this little one a couple months ago with 2 other chicks. I believe this one is almost 4 months old. His comb is just a little bigger than the G Wyandotte of the same age but doesnt look super big to be a cockerel. Some opinions please...


It was guessed to be a hen at a month old like the other 2 which I am sure are hens
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Sussex have been hard to tell on lately.
Right now, based on the potential age, this one looks like a pullet. But there have been several folks on here with Speckled Sussex with combs like yours does, and they've been told boy, and a while later they came back and said, just wanted to let you know, she laid her first egg today... And the other way around. So... It's pretty much just a guess with SS. Good luck though, and hope it is a girl!
comb and wattle development say pullet but then again i have been wrong on ss before because of their developmen
but i would say pullet
hah, thats funny thinking you have a roo and it starts popping out eggs:gig. I am definitely hoping for a hen or Ill prob have to get rid of it and I unfortunately lost the contact info and address of where I got them:(
But you have given me hope:) Thanks
I would say roo on that one. I have raised SS for a couple few years and yes they can be tricky, but I would be pretty sure that its a roo, one indication I found when I was raising them is that the roos faces were usually whiter around the eyes like yours is and the pullets tend to be a bit more brown.
Check this girl out:
10 weeks, here. Note the pinking wattles and the pointy tail feathers? But, she's also shaped like a teardrop.

She was 16 weeks in this photo and I had someone on the Sussex thread practically insist she was a roo because of the wattles, comb, and shiny green tail feathers (not to mention the white face).

She lays pretty little pinkish eggs.

My advice, look at the body shape. I can't tell with the photo angles you took but if your bird is shaped like a gourd, pullet. If it's tall and upright, cockerel. The face could go either way.

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