speckled sussex recommendations???


11 Years
May 12, 2008
i am compiling my want list for next spring!!! my DH, goodness i love him, is going to let me get an incubator, and i can hatch whatever i want, and sell the chickies i have too many of, don't need/want, etc. i would like to get some speckled sussex, and i was wondering if any of you had gotten good quality birds from any hatcheries, or if anyone around here sells eggs that have really spotty parents??? i would really like mille fleurs but dh doesnt like bantams, so i have to choose from standards only. thanks guys!
I've been looking for good Sussex as well. I finally got some pullets yesterday, but they are from a hatchery. I've emailed with Gina about her Sussex and she did say she'd have some next spring.

I don't know where you are, but Gina is west of Nashville.
yeppers,I plan to separate my sussex hens with the roo as soon as I can move some babies out of the pen, hopefully in a couple of months they will be separate and pure. I'll let you know. There are some pics of them on my page.
sweet! gina i would love some of your eggs! it would probably be around march/ april.... hubby is in soooo much trouble... so far i am getting your eggs, some bbs orps, some partridge cochins, and some wheaten marans from bayhorsebonne(on ebay) this spring, lol. he's probably going to make me live in the chicken coop. but thats fine with me!

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