Spinning Wind Turbine on Coop


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 1, 2010
I still have some time before my chicks are ready to go into the coop and I have been entertaining the idea of adding a wind turbine to the top of my hen house. The way I see it is that it is cheap ($28 for 12" turbine) and it will help cool my hen house. However, I am also new to chickens so I am wondering is there any factor that I am over looking? Have any of you installed a wind turbine to your coop, and if so, how did it go? I would appreciate any feed back, Thank You

Sure, it couldn't hurt. A properly ventilated coop is a happy coop.

I run an exhaust fan in my 12x24 barn with internal coop area.
We have one on our coop. Same size too. It makes a little noise (squeaky) but it really does help. I live in a hot climate too. If there is even the slightest breeze, it will spin, which then helps move some air out of the coop.

Make sure you put some hardware screen over the hole in the coop to make it secure.
No, it isn't hard to install. If you can cut a circle in the roof, use a screw driver, and line up holes, you will do fine! It comes in 3 pieces, the hood part that screws (or nails) onto the roof, the neck (screws onto the hood), and then turbine (it screws onto the neck).
What is your roof made out of? Mine is shingled, so it was easy to cut a hole.

Forgot to add... it also keeps the buzzards off of the roof. They do not like the spinning.
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I used Foamed Polycarbonate material, its called Suntop so it shouldn't be too hard to cut a hole in there.


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