Splash/Blue/black?! Can ya help a fella out:)


8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
Ok this whole Breeding splash to black or black to splash has me confused

If say i have a Black orpington hen and a blue roo what is the outcome?! like what percent would be Blie/Splash/Black?
And it this still the same percentage if it is Black roo to blue hen?
Can you work these out for me please because i don't have a notion!!

Black hen x Blue roo
Black hen x Splash roo

Blue hen x Black roo
Blue hen x Splash roo

Splash hen x Blue roo
Splash hen x Black roo

And if breeding splash to Splash what is the out come can you get all three?!
Thank you for any reply's
Blue x Blue = 25% Black/25% Splash/50% Blue

Blue x Black = 50% of each

Blue x Splash = 50% of each

Splash x Black = 100% Blue

Splash x Splash = 100% Splash
Breeding Splash to Splash generally produces birds that are too light for showing....
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Hope this helps.

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash

Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash

Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black

Splash X Black = 100% Blue

Black X Black = 100% Black

Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
dosen't matter what color the hen is and what color the roo is, the percentages posted above are correct though.

If say i have a Black orpington hen and a blue roo what is the outcome?! Black x blue = 50/50 of each

And it this still the same percentage if it is Black roo to blue hen?! same Black x blue = 50/50 of each
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Ok let's get a little deeper. I am a color novice but is it true you get better blues from blacks?

You can't get blues from just blacks.
You have to cross a black with a blue, or a black with a splash.

I don't think there is a golden rule. I think it depends on what your working with.​
Thank everyone for the input..
Now this may be totally off track but i heard that if you were to cross a buff orpington or white orpington into each the black/bue/splash you would get sex-linked chicks is this correct ?
Does this mean if you have say a black roo to a buff hen whats the outcome ?!
Thanks again
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these are splash over buff, no idea of their sex. will have to find out when they are older. but I dont think the sexlink part is true


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