sportsman vs ova-easy and brooders


Gallo's Poultry Haven
9 Years
May 26, 2010
in the adirondacks
so i may be getting a cabinet incubator in a couple months...

was wondering what people use here... and maybe pros and cons of say

a sportsman vs the brinsea ova-easy.

and i'm trying to figure out how many eggs they can hold- i will be hatching mostly bantams so was wondering if bantam eggs are the size of phesants or partridge the brinsea site doesn't list bantam eggs. but lists everything else.

then i of course have been looking at a poultry box brooder... any one use one of these?

i'm mostly just dreaming LOL but thought i would get peeps opinions.
Bnatam egg sizes vary as much as LF egg sizes do. A Sebright egg will be much smaller than a bantam Wyandotte egg for instance, but so would a LF Brahma egg. I'd just go on regular chicken egg sizes. It's a good average.
I am looking at both incubators also and was wondering the same thing. Is one a better incubator than the other? They both run about the same money.

Thats what i was wondering. the brinsea has 4 fans and comes in 2 different sizes and the sportsman is only one size and 1 fan?

not sure. that's why i was asking

as to the comparable egg size question- i know bantam egg sizes can vary- i currently have Japanese bantams but most of these incubators have egg trays available but none list "bantam" eggs just the different types of birds. I know quail are smaller than bantams but don't know about other birds.
i would like to get egg trays that fit the eggs so they don't roll around or bang back and forth in the egg turners.

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